Return to your inner knowing


Rites of Passage & Ceremony


Closing of the bones

A closing of the bones ceremony is a time for a new mother to be held & witnessed on her transformational journey through the birth portal. It is a time to mark both the physical and energetic transition from pregnancy to birth and into a new life with this new child.

This type of ceremony has been done around the world throughout time. It is a rite of passage, meaning something big has happened in one’s life that has forever changed them and the community comes together to witness & acknowledge this transition.

The ceremony is usually an intimate experience with a small group of close women invited to witness & participate. It involves story telling, song, and the physical wrapping and unwrapping of the mothers body with fabric from head to toe. This wrapping is done carefully & intentionally to signify the closing of the birthing portal energetically and physically closing the womb space which held life. From start to finish it takes about 2 hours.

Please reach out to discuss further if interested! Closing of the bones ceremonies are available to any women but are included with all birth keeping support packages.

Investment: $200

Mother Blessing

A Mother Blessing ceremony is a time to honor the pregnant mother before she enters the birth portal. The mother is acknowledged, supported, and revered as she prepares to journey into the unknown and bring her baby Earthside.

During the ceremony a group of women will gather, share food, and honor the new (or new again) mother. Invitations are sent out, setup, cleanup, and group activities are all included.

Reach out to discuss pricing and more details.

Interested in another type of ceremony? Please contact me to discuss possibilities!